CrystalMaker Crystal Structure Report


Polyhedral Model

CrystalMaker image

Goethite FeOOH

Crystal structure data from: Szytula et al. (1968?)

Note: all atoms in 4c positions

Crystal Structure Data


Spacegroup Symbol: P n m a
Lattice Type: P

Unit Cell Parameters

a [Å] b [Å] c [Å] α [°] β [°] γ [°]
9.9500 3.0100 4.6200 90.000 90.000 90.000

Fractional Coordinates of Atoms in the Asymmetric Unit

Site Occupancy   x   y   z
Fe Fe 1   0.1450   0.2500  -0.0450
H H 1  -0.0800   0.2500  -0.3800
O1 O 1  -0.1990   0.2500   0.2880
O2 O 1  -0.0530   0.2500  -0.1980

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