Welcome to the website for the book The Structure of Materials, written by Marc De Graef and Michael McHenry, and published by Cambridge University Press.

On this site, you will find the following items:

About the Book
Information about the writing of the book, errata, ...
Some details about the software used during the writing of this book, as well as links to public domain/shareware/commercial software for crystallography.
Additional Material
The structures appendix, crystal structure coordinate files, high resolution point group images, etc...

Any errors and comments should be sent to the .

Site maintaned by MDG; last site update: 6/1/11

Part of the material on this site is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0404836. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

  • Spring and Summer 2010: We have started to work on the second edition of this book. There will be additional chapters and sections on magnetic point group symmetry, updated material on extra-terrestrial minerals and rocks, and a whole new set of problems. The second edition will be available sometime in 2012.

  • September 2009: Here (link will open in new window) is the image that was originally going to be on the cover of the book; after the publisher suggested a simpler image, we ended up deciding on the point group representation by itself, without any other molecules and such ...

  • August 2009: Two items have been added to the Additional Material page: a link to a series of pages providing graphical illustrations of magnetic point groups, and a link to a PDF file with the tables for the space group generation algorithm described in section 10.7 (page 252) of the book.

  • September, 2007: The book can be ordered from several locations:
    Cambridge University Press
    Solution sets for selected problems are available to instructors only via the Cambridge University Press web site.